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The Everything Kids' Joke Book Page 11
The Everything Kids' Joke Book Read online
Page 11
One-liner: a joke that is told in one line or sentence
Parody: a humorous imitation of something serious
Pun: the humorous use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or more of its meanings or the meaning of another word with a similar sound
Punch line: the part of the joke that gets the laugh
Routine: a comedian’s collection of jokes that is done as an act over and over
Running gag: a joke or stunt that happens several times in a movie, play, TV show, or standup routine
Shtick: the regular bits and pieces that make up a comedian’s toolbox
Sight gag: a joke that you need to see (like someone slipping on a banana peel) and usually has no words
Slapstick: 1. two wooden slats that are slapped together to make the sound of something striking something else; 2. silly, wild goofiness
Spit-take: when someone sprays a mouthful of liquid all over someone else in response to something said
Spoonerism: a phrase where the first letters of a word are exchanged for another
Standup: comedians who stand up in front of their audiences and tell jokes
Straight man/Straight woman: the member of a comedy team who sets up the jokes and lets the gag player deliver the punch line
Puzzle Answers
page 3 • Hole In One
page 7 • Why Oh Why?
page 12 • Picto-Laugh #1
page 13 • Say What?
page 19 • Sounds Funny To Me
page 25 • Hink Pink Kriss Kross
page 31 • Picto-Laugh #2
page 48 • It’s Rhyme Time
page 49 • Bye Bye
page 52 • Picto-Laugh #3
page 53 • Love to Laugh
page 54 • Picto-Laugh #4
page 55 • It’s Joke Time!
page 59 • Picto-Laugh #5
page 60 • Fill Me In
page 66 • Picto-Laugh #6
page 67 • Rhyming Riddles
page 70 What’s The Difference?
page 72 • Quick Draw
page 82 • Oops!
page 87 • Picto-Laugh #7
page 90 • Geo-Giggles
page 91 • Picto-Laugh #8
page 92 • Two-In-One
page 93 • Elemorphant
page 105 • Can’t Do It!
page 115 Do You See What I See?
Airplane Two: The Sequel (film), 109
Allen, Steve, 106
Allen, Woody, 75
animal jokes, 5–8
astronaut jokes, 22–23
Ball, Lucille, 111
banana jokes, 99–101
Bankhead, Tallulah, 74
beats, 96, 97, 99
Beecher, Henry Ward, 51
Beerbohn, Max, 114
BFG, The (Dahl), 16
Birds, The (film), 116
Bombeck, Erma, 36
Bottom’s Up (trick), 46
Bruce, Lenny, 42
burlesque, 101
Burma-Shave rhymes, 79
Burnett, Carol, 77
Can’t Do It! (riddle), 105
Carrey, Jim, 103, 112
caveman jokes, 33–34
Chaplin, Charlie, 27, 99–100, 101
Clark, Frank A., 81
color jokes, 9
shtick, 112–13
standup, 96–97, 99
straight man/woman, 108–9
timing and, 97, 99
tips for, 96–97, 104, 106–7
slapstick, 101–2
teams, 109
using voices in, 107
confusion, 106
motion, 110
timing, 97, 99
Comic Relief, 107
computer jokes, 9–11
cowboy jokes, 73
cummings, e.e., 15
Dahl, Roald, 16
DeGeneres, Ellen, 64
Didja hear jokes, 12–13
dilemmas, 103
dinosaur jokes, 33–34
Double or Nothing (trick), 34
Do You See What I See? (puzzle), 115
Dumb and Dumber (film), 103
Duse, Eleonora, 98
Elemorphant (puzzle), 93
elephant jokes, 91–93
Expanding Envelope, The (trick), 41
Eye to Eye (trick), 21
family jokes, 62–68
Fill Me In (riddle), 60
funny bone, 77
gags, 43–46
running, 109–12
sight, 102–3, 114, 116–17
Geo-Giggles (riddle), 90
Goin’ Bowling (joke), 80
Goldwyn, Sam, 71
goofballs, 81–86
gross jokes, 35–36
Helitzer, Melvin, 97
Hink Pink Kriss Kross (puzzle), 25
hinky-pinkys, 24–26
Hole in One (riddle), 3
humor quiz, 120–23
Infinite Jest (Wallace), 114
In the Bag (joke), 78
Irwin, Bill, 103
It’s Joke Time (puzzle), 55
It’s Rhyme Time (puzzle), 48
Jiggy Geography, 89
animal, 5–8
banana, 99–101
color, 9
computer, 9–11
cowboy, 73
Didja hear, 12–13
elephant, 91–93
family, 62–68
gross, 35–36
hinky-pinkys, 24–26
knock knock, 26–32
Larry and Luna, 14–15
light bulb, 87
mad scientist, 24
medical, 77
monster, 2–4
nickname, 80
nun, 72
occupational, 36, 49
oldest, 102–3
one-liners, 76
peanut, 74–75
pre-historic, 33–34
quickies, 18–21
school, 16–18
sick, 4
space, 22–23
spoonerisms, 69, 71
sports, 38–40
Tom and Tina Swifties, 11–12
voices for, 107
Kaufman, George S., 117
Kean, Edmund, 112
Keillor, Garrison, 63
knock knock jokes, 26–32
K words, 99
dying from, 114
health and, 77
Lebowitz, Fran, 64
Leno, Jay, 93
Lewis, Jerry, 112
light bulb jokes, 87
limericks, 47–48
Limick, 48
Love to Laugh (puzzle), 53
mad scientist jokes, 24
Marx Brothers, 108
Melcher, Thom, 50
Money Drop, or The Buck Doesn’t Stop Here (trick), 37
monologue, 96
monster jokes, 2–4
Mr. Hulot’s Holiday (film), 116
Murray, Bill, 112
Nash, Ogden, 48
nickname jokes, 80
nun jokes, 72
O’Donnell, Rosie, 104
occupational jokes, 36, 49
oldest joke, 102–3
one-liners, 76
Oops! (puzzle), 82
parodies, 117
peanut jokes, 74–75
pictographs, 12, 31, 52, 54, 59, 66, 87, 91
Pink Panther (film), 110–11
pre-historic jokes, 33–34
punch lines, 8, 120–22
puns, 41–42, 56–61
Do You See What I See?, 115
Elemorphant, 93
br /> Hink Pink Kriss Kross, 25
It’s Rhyme Time, 48
Love to Laugh, 53
Oops!, 82
quickies, 18–21
rhymes, Burma-Shave, 79
Rhyming Riddles (riddle), 67
Can’t Do It!, 105
Fill Me In, 60
Geo-Giggles, 90
Hole in One, 3
It’s Joke Time, 55
Rhyming Riddles, 67
Say What?, 13
Sounds Funny to Me, 19
Two In One, 92
What’s the Difference?, 70
Why Oh Why, 7
Rogers, Will, 40
Roseanne, 112
Rosten, Leo, 8
routine, 96
running gags, 109–12
Sandler, Adam, 112
Say What? (riddle), 13
Schiller, Friedrich von, 45
school jokes, 16–18
Seinfeld (television show), 111
Seles, Monica, 35
Sennett, Mack, 110
shtick, 112–13
sick jokes, 4
sight gags, 102–3, 114, 116–17
Simon, Neil, 99, 100
slapstick, 101–2
Sounds Funny to Me (riddle), 19
space jokes, 22–23
spit-take, 113–14
Spooner, William Archibald, 69
spoonerisms, 69, 71
sports jokes, 38–40
standup comedians, 96–97, 99
standup routine, 96, 97
Stoppard, Tom, 106
straight man/woman, 108–9
Street-Porter, Jack, 58
Sunshine Boys, The (Simon), 99
Tati, Jacques, 116
Three Blind Mice (trick), 29
Tomlin, Lily, 64
tongue twisters, 78
Bottom’s Up, 46
Double or Nothing, 34
Expanding Envelope, The, 41
Eye to Eye, 21
Money Drop, or The Buck Doesn’t Stop Here, 37
Three Blind Mice, 29
Turtle Soup (joke), 74
Two In One (riddle), 92
Tyler, Robin, 38
Vanderbilt, Gloria, 72
Vilanch, Bruce, 75
Wallace, David Foster, 114
What’s the Difference? (riddle), 70
What’s the Punch Line? (quiz), 120–23
White, E.B., 14
Why Oh Why (riddle), 7
Williams, Robin, 107, 112
Woman on the Bus, The, 68
Young Frankenstein (film), 109–10, 117